About Bowel Cancer

What is Bowel Cancer?Diagram of large bowel

Bowel cancer occurs when the normal cells in the large bowel (also known as the colon) or rectum grow abnormally and form a lump or tumour. If not removed, the tumour can go on to spread throughout the body and eventually cause death.

What is a Bowel Polyp?

Most bowel cancers start as a non-cancerous growth, or polyp, in the lining of the colon. These polyps can take ten years or more to become cancerous. There are two common types of polyps:

About 30% to 40% of people over the age of 60 have one or more of these adenomatous polyps in the bowel but, fortunately, only about 5% of these will become cancerous. However, all adenomatous polyps should be removed so that the polyp tissue can be examined under the microscope to determine whether there are any pre-cancerous changes developing.

When you have a colonoscopy, to screen for bowel cancer, these pre-cancerous polyps can usually be removed at the same time.

Early detection and removal of polyps in a correctly designed screening and surveillance programme reduces the risk of dying from bowel cancer by approximately 60%.

Bowel Cancer – Are YOU at Risk?

Are there any SIGNS of Bowel Cancer?

A referral to The Endoscopy Clinic for bowel cancer screening can give you peace of mind.  Download Endoscopy Referral